Monday, April 22, 2013

to be continued...

This blog was originally started for a unit I am completing at school.  Though the assignment is over, I will continue to add to this blog and will be posting both educational information and other things I find interesting to share with you.  I would love it if you continued exploring with me!

A few things have happened since I last posted:

-I have begun a Yelp account and will be reviewing restaurants and other cool hideouts

-I have begun the process of attempting to make RICE WINE! There are about 10 more days to go.

-I completed the First Glow Run held in Melbourne Australia.

Photo by Alex Bernasconi

I will share more with you soon.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nature Wisdom

Nature seems to have its own wisdom. The world turns, the sun rises and
sets every day, and seasons change in reliable mystery as life unfolds in a
series of spiraling cycles. Most of the time we pay no attention to these
earthly rhythms and are just caught up in the tasks of daily life. But occasionally,
something catches us off guard, like the mysterious weavings of a
yellow garden spider, and we find ourselves agog contemplating the wonder
of nature and what such “nature wisdom” might teach us for daily living,
or even for our work with adult learners.

-Elizabeth J. Tisdell